Meet Anna Christine and John Rooney

Thursday, October 11, 2012

11 Months

Anna and John turned 11 months on August 17th. As you can see, I'm a little behind on the blogging. Yikes! We've been very busy with planning the big 1st birthday bash, getting things ready for the semi-annual twins sale, and having lots of visitors in town!

In this 11th month both Anna and John became more steady on two feet, standing without help for a few seconds at a time. They love their push toys and are getting faster and more agile everyday. During a visit to Nana and Pop's house the babies learned how to climb the stairs and had lots of fun doing it over and over again!!  On another visit this month to our friend Erin's house in Cleveland, Anna learned to clap, thanks to Erin's niece Grace. Now every time someone says "yay" Anna gets a huge smile on her face and starts to clap. We've been working on a few signs, and I think when Anna wants more to eat she claps instead of doing the actual sign. We are still waiting for them to pick up on the signs :). The babies, and parents, had a wonderful time at the Fitzgerald house swimming in the pool and just hanging out. We were loving all the extra help and looking forward to our next visit:)

Anna learned how to give hugs this month and it's absolutely adorable. She hugs her mom and dad and her toys, no hugs for her brother yet! She's also started feeding us her food, especially her Cheerios. We graciously pretend to enjoy her offerings.  Getting dressed and diaper changes have become somewhat of a struggle with the both of them, to say the least!

John loves crawling around with his bottle hanging out if his mouth like he's caught some really delicious prey. He may just want to keep his bottle away from his sister! Along with enjoying his bottle, he grew another top tooth this month. He's working to grow a fourth upper tooth, but it hasn't broken through yet. He's a tough boy and has been handling all the teething very well. John's expressions are hilarious and he started making a fishy face this month. He thinks he's pretty cool when he does it and we think it's pretty darn cute!

Cousin Amelia and John
Ethan and Anna having fun at Nan and Pop's.
Anna and Abby are hungry!

Thanks for the floaties Aunti Erin!!