Meet Anna Christine and John Rooney

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Road trip to Pittsburgh

John went away on his first business trip to California, so I decided I wasn't quite ready to be alone with the babies for 5 whole days and nights, so I packed up the twins and headed to Pittsburgh. Thanks to Melody, I didn't have to drive alone!! Anna and John were perfect angels on the way there and back, waking up only to eat, then falling right back to sleep.

We surprised Jenny so we could meet her new baby, Abby. It was so much fun to see all of the cousins together, although it was a little crazy with 5 children under the age of 5!!!  To add to the madness, we decided to go to Picture People and have all of their pictures taken.  The photographer there certainly had her work cut out for her. The babies also got to meet the Pittsburgh girls for the first time. They were spoiled by much love and affection, not to mention adorable gifts:)
John loves sleeping on his tummy

My new niece Abby Rose, Jenny and I

Mel, Julie and I with the babies

Big cousin Amelia with John, Abby and Anna

Amelia's a natural feeding John.
Amelia was such a big help with Anna and John.

Anna loves her tummy time

Thank you for our new outfits April!
Anna and John loved staying at Nana and Pop's house. They did a lot of growing there. No more newborn diapers or newborn clothes for them! They are now wearing 0-3 months clothing and size 1 diapers. I don't think they will be in that size very long though.  John and Anna also discovered that they love to nap on their tummies, under close supervision of course.  We are looking forward to our next visit at Christmas.

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