Meet Anna Christine and John Rooney

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Happy New Year!

2011 was filled with many changes for John and I. Thinking back to last February, we were blessed to find out that we were having our babies and we were shocked to come to the realization that John would be moving to Cincinnati a few short weeks later, with me to follow in June. So, on top of the pregnancy, TWINS, and moving to a new city where we had no friends or family, I don't think we could have handled any more change. So far, things have worked out pretty well. We miss and think about Chicago everyday, but realize that we are in Cincinnati for a reason and will probably only be there for a short time. Who knows where we will move next? We are grateful for Anna and John and just hope to give them the best life has to offer. We hope 2012 won't be quite as "exciting" for us:)

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