Meet Anna Christine and John Rooney

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Happy 7th birthday Amelia!!!

Easter weekend began with a celebration of Amelia's 7th birthday. We missed the roller skating party the previous weekend so we were really excited to be in Pittsburgh for the family party. Unfortunately little John had a horrible cold, so he stayed back at Nan and Pop's with daddy. Anna wasn't  feeling as bad as her brother so she was able to join me. It was a brisk, sunny day and all the kids had a blast playing outside. Amelia enjoyed riding her new bike:) Anna loved the Weaver's big backyard and explored every inch. We missed both of the Johns, but had fun celebrating Amelia!

Birthday girl and Anna

Nice ride!
Silly E

Cousin E as Anna likes to call him


Anna and Abby sharing Amelia's birthday cookie cake

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