Meet Anna Christine and John Rooney

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Christmas in Pittsburgh

We drove to Pittsburgh on Christmas morning after our visit in Cleveland. The babies enjoyed hanging out in their jammies and opening up presents before their cousins arrived. There were so many new things to explore at Nanny and Poppy's house and explore they did! They were up and down the steps, in every room of the house, and even took a swim in the big jacuzzi tub. The visit was a whirlwind with daddy having to leave in a snowstorm to go back to work, but we all had a wonderfully, crazy holiday :)

Anna and John opening up their Little People nativity set from Meme.

Poppy, Nana and the Briches


Aunt Jenny, Ethan and Amelia tearing into their gifts :)
Watch out Nan. John is a wild boy!!!
John checking out Ethan's Dyson :)
Pretty girl
Poppy and Anna enjoying a quiet moment
Splish splash in the big tub
My handsome boy

Anna ended up at the Urgent Care with a head to toe rash from an allergic reaction. Poor girl, she was the best patient! Luckily, the rash cleared up after some steroids and Benadryl. She was back to normal in no time. Thanks Poppy for coming with us in the snow storm.


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