Meet Anna Christine and John Rooney

Thursday, January 17, 2013


*Once again, I'm behind on blogging. Pardon the tardiness of the next couple posts. I promise (hopefully) to post in a more timely manner:)

Thanksgiving began at 4:30 AM. The babies have been getting up around that time for the past three weeks. Mommy and daddy are very tired!!!!!! This all began the night I got home from Chicago, when the whole family had the flu.  Ever since then, the babies have been waking up multiple times at night and getting up no later than 5! Anna is now sleeping through the night, but her brother hasn't quite caught on yet and continues to wake his sister up every morning.

We decided to take advantage of our early morning start and John was in the kitchen making sweet potatoes at 6 AM. This year, like many, we decided to stay put for turkey day. We do so much traveling for Christmas, it's nice to just stay put for this holiday. Although, we miss seeing our family and friends, we know we will be seeing them in a few short weeks.  The day was gorgeous and warm, so warm that we were able to take some pictures outside without any coats! John made a delicious turkey and we had all the trimmings and sides, all equally delicious. John and I ate our dinner while the babies napped, then shared it with them when they woke up. John and Anna were not impressed by our Thanksgiving meal one bit. They wouldn't try any of it and it all ended up in the floor. Oh well, that's toddlers for you!
Ready or not, rise and shine!

John's turkey never disappoints!

Naptime is over for Anna

Clap, clap!

Our attempts at a family pic:)

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